Thursday, April 12, 2007


"Parents often talk about the younger generation as if they didn't have anything to do with it." ~Haim Ginott

Parenting is a very important part of life. It effects the way we grow up and the way we raise our children. I find parenting techniques out there to be fascinating , worth trying for yourself, or inconvincibly just a load of crap! Everyone seems to have a different opinion about parenting, and how one should raise their own children. With all the interesting theory's talked about by doctors and others that have strong opinions about the subject there is always something for the discovering reader to learn or just observe. I have decided to use this blog not only to learn and observe on what information is out there for parents, but to also post the techniques and parenting views i find most interesting. So please feel free to observe with me, try some of the techniques out for yourself, laugh about them or to just hit me up with your comments!!!

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